May 11, 2017


The city looked weird.
Something had vagued out its huge perimeters and lay a faded filter over everything.
It smelled kinda like smoke, but not enough to point a finger at bushfire.
Besides, it was the end of autumn.
Could it be fog? When is it foggy through the day?

I waited for rain to hit my balcony and regress the dryness of my hung clothes, but no rain came.
I could find no reason for the world's reduced opacity. Weatherzone would quiet a silently beating mind, but that seemed too much effort, and too capable of ruining mystery.

I shut the bathroom window, not sure if I was keeping out the cold or the pale haze, whatever it was. 
Turning the corner and looking down the hall, I froze.
A foot off the ground and as opaque as the haze, floated a woman.

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